Featured Products
Discover a plethora of product options for demountable walls, modular and fixed seating, acoustical products, glass boards, custom booths, and more.

Demountable Walls are designed to be easily assembled, disassembled, and reconfigured and offer flexibility and adaptability in offices, schools, and commercial buildings.
Unlike fixed walls, modular walls can be relocated without causing significant disruption to an existing structure. This makes them ideal for environments that frequently change.
Ideal has long been associated with the top manufacturers of modular, demountable walls. Ask us about our current offerings for your own dynamic workspace.
Fixed Seating refers to chairs or benches that are permanently attached to the floor, providing a stable and consistent arrangement.
Modular Seating consists of individual units that can be easily rearranged or reconfigured to suit different needs and spaces.
Acoustical products incorporate sound-absorbing materials to reduce noise levels and improve speech clarity, making them ideal for open-plan offices, conference rooms, and collaborative areas.
Glass Boards are a more modern approach to whiteboards. They not only provide a stylish and professional look but also ensure that notes and presentations are clearly visible. They can be used with wet or dry erase markers and can be easily cleaned.
Finally, Custom Booths are an innovative new solution to fostering a res-a-merical vibe in the modern workspace. Ideal works with providers that can craft a solution that will be unique for the needs and uses of your space.
A Select Portfolio
Wall Solutions
Receive expert advice and consultation from a member of our team about wall solutions from manufacturers like PK30, Metwall, Barbican and many more.
Seating (Fixed)
Acoustical Solutions
Sound abatement is a technical term for something that can be quite beautiful. Our noise controlling solutions lend an aesthetic touch to any space with products from Frausch, Cloud Systems and more.
Glass Boards
Because whiteboards are so 1990, Ideal offers great glass solutions that can be easily cleaned and continually used for brainstorms and other interactions. We provide everything but the markers.
Custom Booths
Custom booths are a cozy and intimate way to foster esprit de corps' at work. Ideal works with Randy's Booths, AIS, Flexxform and many others.